Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nothing like it...

I checked mail today and found a bunch of eerily identical envelopes from the hospital. I'm talking a BUNCH of them. Bills totaling $27,397.85 to be exact. Then my wife pointed out that we only had to pay $450.00 of it. Insurance rocks. Not that I have $450 in my sock drawer (or probably even in my 401(k), haha) but it's heck of a lot better than the cost of a brand new Mini-Van or something. So w00t for insurance.

I didn't really ride today. Yesterday, I had to get home FAST long before bus service starts, and used my Guaranteed Ride Home to snag a taxi. That meant leaving The Twelve locked up in the (relatively) secure parking garage overnight. By relatively secure, I mean after business hours, all the doors are shut, it's patrolled, and high-res cameras record the entrances and exits. No cameras anywhere near my bike, though.

Anyhow, I didn't bring riding clothes to work, so I just dragged the bike home on the D bus. I probably did about two miles of walking and bike riding combined today.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.


Sirrus Rider said...

Cheaper than the price of a new wife (or a divorce!) ;)

wardy said...

Hopefully, your insurance company will pay what they should without issue. I had to spend about half my summer getting my accounts straight. It was so nice when the bills from the hospital stopped coming. If they do give you the run-around, do your best to take care of it and let your wife recover stress free.

Yokota Fritz said...

Isn't Guaranteed Ride Home supposed to be used only for emergencies?

Noah said...

I zipped home so I could take my wife to the ER. It wasn't critical enough to warrant an ambulance and she couldn't drive herself. It was critical enough that I didn't want to wait an hour and a half for a bus to show up, nor did I want to be on the bike for an hour and a half (headwind) before I could get home. Similar to if I needed to pick up a sick child from school in my book (which is an example scenario on the GRH website). I don't think I was abusing the system.

Yokota Fritz said...

Ah, I missed that part about your wife needing a ride...

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