Monday, November 17, 2008

Before the novocaine wears off...

No work today. Got the Wisdom teeth pulled. I'll spare you from the photograph of my extracted teeth.

I am a severe trypanophobe, and my wife (who's been with me for about 12 years) has never seen me faint or go into a seizure until today. Good times. Now I'm gonna try to sleep this off while my face is still numb.


Tim O said...

I have the same disorder (not the wisdom teeth, the other problem) and I have fainted a number of times when giving blood samples.

I do notice that if I use relaxation techniques and talk about some subject I enjoy with the phlebotomist, that I have fewer issues.

The BP does go way down and they say you can die from it although since you're in a doctor's office it's a lot less likely than if you tried it at home....LOL

Sirrus Rider said...

Ex-Nursing Student so no probs here. Don't forget to put Ice on your cheeks otherwise your going to look like a giant gopher

Apertome said...

I had my wisdom teeth out earlier this year. No fun. I hope you won't get dry sockets like I did. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

I am getting a root canal and crown Wednesday. I also have a extreme fear of needles to the point of making my myself sick in anticipation. OUCH!!

Anonymous said...

dude, i hope you never catch the diabetes.

Noah said...

I hope I don't either! My wife tests her blood sugar regularly and I do it on occasion. Using the quick little spring-loaded micro-lance takes about 2 minutes of working myself up to it. I can't fathom self-injection.

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