Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I See You Ate One Too

Clever. I ride past this thing a few times per week, but never have stopped to photograph it.

100pu Week 1 Day 1: 6/6/4/4/5 - My abs were still sore from the initial test from Wednesday night. This batch of pushups was a butt-kicker. I just need to tell myself that it's "the good pain" ... isn't it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a good pain man. Stick with it. I learned from officer training school that a well formed pushup as well as just holding yourself up in the "leaning rest" will build some abs too. I'm with you though man, I don't much enjoy the upper body stuff. I'd rather ride 60 or 70 miles to get my workout in.

  3. Stretch, often.

    I've always tried to tell myself that 'pain is weakness leaving the body'. Of course my body tells me I'm full of it...
