Wednesday, May 27, 2009


As I left home this morning, the weather was yet again straddling the line between misty and foggy. As I pulled up to the bus stop, I felt an actual rain drop. I was a little early, but only by a few minutes. Right before the bus is supposed to show up, I felt another drop. Then another. A minute or so later, there was a pleasant and tolerable pitter-patter of rain.

The bus was running late at this point. I felt the rain pick up its intensity ever so slightly, then I heard it: A wall of water approaching me. Looking into the distance, I could see my visibility getting shorter and shorter as the horizon became enshrouded by torrential downpour. A line was rushing toward me. Ahead of that line, the parking lot was speckled with little drops. Behind that line, a sheet of water engulfed everything. Within a minute, I was soaked through, as if I'd been cast into the swimming pool at a kegger. A nice man offered me a seat in his Saturn. I obliged, but it didn't help much.

Six minutes later, the bus would finally roll through. Scurrying as if their lives depended on it, the transit denizens stormed the bus, holding anything and everything above their heads in a futile attempt to remain dry. It didn't work.

It's now my lunch time. The collar of my shirt and my waistband are still damp.

The kicker? I had a poncho with me yesterday. I forgot to put it back in my panniers after making a grocery run last night.

Protip: Check the radar, newbie.


  1. Not a drop on the way in here in Lawrence. But I had the full rain gear, so that makes sense.

  2. I've experienced that wall of rain rushing toward me. It's quite a feeling.

  3. I managed to take shelter in Leawood park just before the rain hit. Changed the windbreaker for the rain jacket and proceed the rest of the way to work. The upper body was nice and dry, the wool socks... not so lucky.
