Friday, May 29, 2009

Avenue of the Arts

I had to go pick up my bus pass from the HR office today and finally started looking at the exhibits for Avenue Of The Arts. Sorry for the crappy camera-phone pics. It's all I had with me.

Basically, I think a lot of this looks like trash, especially the middle one on the bottom row which is a canopy made of thousands of plastic bottles. It reminds me of this disaster I spotted last year:

I guess my definition of "art" differs from other peoples. I love art, but I just have a hard time calling scrap metal glued to the ground or a pile of trash arranged just so "art". I suppose that's what makes art what it is.

I can say that taking a few minutes to walk downtown was a nice break in my day, and I enjoyed catching some fresh air. The homeward commute was warm but refreshing, and it looks like we've got a nice weekend lined up. I might have something fun lined up, too. We'll see how that works.

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