Monday, April 14, 2008

The art of pass/fail commuting

Yes, a blatant bite of BSNYC's ankles. I can't help it, he's one of the few bikosphere writers who proves on a daily basis that he has my vocabulary outclassed (but only by a little). Meanwhile, I was more than just a little outclassed by another cyclist I saw on my homeward trip. Probably another commuter because I don't think anyone would intentionally ride on Southwest Boulevard unless they really had to get from one point to another. It was one of those cyclists that's a half a mile ahead and it keeps nagging on you so you keep pushing harder until you just about die. That was me today.

It's been said that whenever two bicyclists are riding the same direction, there is probably a race going on. And thus begins my homeward commute. I finally gave up as I slogged up to Antioch on Merriam Lane. It's all I had. I was tapped. Antioch and Merriam is kind of my "safe" point. I always feel better once I get to that intersection. First and foremost, an uphill turns into a downhill, whereafter 35MPH or faster is attainable and able to be maintained for a good distance. Then, there's the fact that I finally get another lane, so cars can just go around me without waiting for oncoming traffic to clear. Also, Turkey Creek trail is very close, and from there I can kick back, relax, and all that. In BSNYC's words: I embraced my inner "meh." The one problem with BSNYC's strategy when applied to commuting by bike in Kansas City? You can't stay where the people are without hopping in a Suburban. There aren't often any cyclists around from which a peloton of mediocrity may be wrought. Just the winners. And me, the slow guy who can't even get close enough to sneak a pull from an unsuspecting sidewalk bike ninja.

So, as I'm sitting here with heart palpitations recovering from and recalling the afternoon's events, I suppose you're here for the faux toes. Err... Yeah.

Well, I didn't bother taking any while I was...well... "losing the breakaway" I finally stopped to take off a layer of clothes and get some water south of Johnson Drive.

Took a pic of Turkey Creek

Bike Path

Some ugly guy I found

I got home with enough time to cool off after my hammerfest, then turn around and head to the Monday night ride.

Mark Thomas gives the weekly bike safety speech for the new riders (5 of them tonight!)

Riders prepare for liftoff

This guy wanted to ride with us tonight but the only working bike he had put together was his E6 Tri Bike. That had to suck. I wouldn't want to ride a Tri bike on this group ride.

This TriCross is getting put into commuter duty very soon.

Down-low shot of the back part of the group

A ride through Mission Hills

zomg! Mexican food!

Some abstractness with the e6.

Riders packing it up

Riders packing it in.

My post-ride meal. Nom nom nom.

All told, I rode about 6 miles this morning, more than 14 on the return commute, about 9 miles getting to and from the group ride and 12 miles with the group. It all ended up around 40 miles. I need more days like this in my routine. Preferably without the Burger King and Mexican Food.

Random Tunage:
INOJ - Time After Time
Lisa Loeb - Do you sleep


  1. Looks like a fun ride tonite, wish I could have made it! I was eating Mexican but not at the recovery ride....

    I have a Surly LHT on order, may get it as early as Friday....plan to put Reelights on it and make a Monday night ride soon :)

  2. Sounds like a blast. It'll be good to see ya, it seems like it's been a year or so, maybe the Monday night ride of Bike To Work Week last year?
