Sunday, July 19, 2009

Final update: One Ton Paceline S24O: Camping at Hillsdale

We have less than a week to go, so here's how it'll go down Saturday (July 25th, 2009)

Those who care to follow me can meet at the Lenexa Senior Center (Santa Fe Trail Drive and Pflumm just north of 95th St) at about 11:30 AM. We'll take Santa Fe Trail Drive / KC Road to Ridgeview, down to 159th and backtrack over to Mur-Len.

We will all try to meet at Price Chopper at 159th and Mur-Len and leave there at 1:00 PM. At 10 MPH or so, people joining me in Lenexa will probably arrive at Price Chopper with time to spare for bathroom breaks, snacking, or topping off bottles. We'll continue south from there, probably on Mur-len.

Here is an updated map, but we'll take Mur-Len south to 175th and then cut back over to Ridgeview, probably.

  • Lenexa Rendezvous: Meet at Lenexa Sr. Center, depart 11:30 AM
  • Southern Olathe Rendezvous: Meet at Price Chopper, 159th and Mur-Len, Depart 1:00 PM
If you plan on joining us at any other point along the way, let me know in advance.

For those who've asked, this one is going to be rain-or-shine. The extended forecast isn't terribly reliable this far out, but it doesn't look like rain. Either way, I'm camping.

I'll have my phone on. If you have any questions leading up to this or along the way, don't hesitate to call (but e-mail probably works better throughout the week).

Obviously, I'm not giving my mobile number out over the Internet. If you need it and plan on attending, let me know ASAP.

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