Thursday, May 07, 2009

Update: The Midnight Ride alternative

I still have a plan. And it might work out. Here's where things stand:

I'm in talks with the owners of some cave space near midtown. Right now, they seem amicable, but I don't have any solid word on if we can use their cave as part of our route. We may all have to sign waivers. I'm cool with that if it means I get to ride through some caves!

There are about 10-15 people showing interest in this alternative ride and only 6 or 7 definites. I'd like more.

Right now, this looks to be a FREE event, except for the cost of food at the end. You'll have to pay for that. I don't think we'll have to pay to ride through the caves.

The route will be 15 miles or so, maybe closer to 20 by the time we include a stop by Denny's or IHOP at the end of the route (near the start/finish point)

I'll keep you posted. We will ride at midnight. Mark my words. I just hope we have caves to go through!


  1. Noah, JR told me about this, it sounds like fun. When are you doing this? I want in on this ride.

    Do you have more details?

