Saturday, May 02, 2009

That was Rage Against The Machine

First, The Twelve turned two years old yesterday! Today marks the anniversary of my first commute on it.

I had a great homeward ride yesterday, and a bit of humor when a passing driver seemed to yell at me. I was trying to replay it in my head to imagine what the driver would have yelled, but I couldn't figure it out. The driver gave me plenty of room, so I just shrugged it off.  

About 500 yards down the road, I caught up with the car at a stop light and could hear loud music as I approached.  The guy had Rage Against The Machine's 'Bulls On Parade' cranked to eleven. I happen to enjoy a bit of the RATM on occasion, but the vocalist (I won't call him a singer) pretty much just yells all the time.  That would explain the yelling.  I chuckled and enjoyed the music for a few seconds. Serendipitous tunage.  

I was in a hurry to get to my monthly first-Friday meeting.  After that, everyone came over to our place and we enjoyed one of the biggest pizzas I've ever seen. Sorry for the camera-phone photo. DVD provided for scale.

(note: I have seen pizzas much bigger than this so it's not even a contest, but It's the biggest one I've bought for a party by far)

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