Sunday, May 10, 2009

Monday Commuter Convoy: It's on, BUT...

The convoy is ON for tomorrow morning , but I wouldn't blame anyone for not joining me. The conditions might seem sub-par for a bike commute.

The good:
  • It won't be raining.
  • There won't be much wind.
The bad:
  • The roads will probably be wet in spots because it rained.
  • Temps in the mid-40s might be a bit chilly for some.
The ugly:
  • Me.
Remember: if you dress in layers and have fenders, these conditions are actually quite pleasant. Expect a crosswind and temps in the high 60s or low 70s in the afternoon.

I'll be at the Southwest corner of 85th and Quivira (one stoplight north of 87th St. Pkwy) a little before 6:00 AM. I'm shoving off at 6:00 AM SHARP (as according to USNO)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Noah, I hope you had a few join you this morning. Yes, my short Olathe jaunt was a bit chilly. But, really, a wind breaker was all that was needed (at least for me), and I was over warm by the end.

    Hopefully it gets just a touch warmer in the KC Metro area this week.
