Thursday, February 19, 2009


With the nice weather we'd been having, I took the liberty of removing the full beard I'd allowed to invade my face. Perhaps that was a mistake. This morning, 15°F. *shiver*

To make matters worse, there was a huge water main break this morning right outside my building.

2 seconds after photographing this self-proclaimed "LFTWING", the driver tossed a bunch of trash out the driver's side window. Lots of typical Democrat flair on this car, including World Wildlife Fund and Obama/Biden. Way to lead by example.

Taken yesterday on my way home. Mt. Dew is yummy! No, I didn't recycle the can (there's no convenient way in my apartment complex) but at least I put it in a garbage bin and not in the road.

In other news, if you ride your bike on the Kansas Side, you should probably check out the 5-County Regional Transportation Study. The Johnson County meeting will be at MANU's Cook Center Tuesday, February 24 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Random Tunage:
Way Out West - Apollo
Human League - Human


  1. hey about that lftwing car, i read from the How We Drive blog that cars with bumper stickers are dangerous, because it is an act of 'marking their territory'. i know this is a blanket statement, but its food for thought.

  2. I must be dangerous, too. My bike has several:
    "F*** Work."
    "PaulDotCom Security Weekly"
    "Please Don't Hit Me"
    "Hacker Inside (Phreaknik)"
    And maybe a few others I'm forgetting.

  3. In this college town there are cars that have at least 50 left wing bumper stickers on them.

    My favorite, "no blood for oil'

    A bumper sticker like that has no business being ON A CAR.

  4. People in this country HATE practicing what they preach.

  5. It's not just this country. Believe me.

  6. i have on occasion picked up trash and handed it back to people (when they dumped it out a red light in KC or after parking in SF, about 5 feet away from a big trash can). they didn't seem to like that very much for some reason.

    i really don't understand people some times.

  7. I know how you feel. We still have a few conservatives around here.

    Trade your litter bug for my Palin supporter.

  8. I voted McCain. I do think it's ridiculous to see McCain/Palin stickers still on cars, though.

  9. I'm glad someone else has pointed this out!

    The absolute worst, most inconsiderate, a****** drivers I have encountered have been operators of SUVs plastered with Democratic party stickers. Just yesterday I had this happen, but it was a car and not an SUV. A driver nearly sideswiped me and plain as day were an Obama sticker and a "Texas Democrat" sticker.

    Some of the most considerate drivers? People in Hondas and Chevys with Jesus fish emblems on their cars. Seriously.

    And Anonymous. I know what you mean. "No Blood for Oil" on a car quite possibly one of the most absurd sights anyone can hope to see.
