Friday, December 26, 2008

Springtime in December

Photo: The TWA Rocket on top of Barkley, just as the sun is illuminating clouds high in the atmosphere.

I woke up this morning to see that temperatures were upwards of 50°F with a stiff tailwind. My only guess is that south winds are bringing moist, warm Gulf air into the great plains. It's hard to believe that Monday, I was riding the whole trip to work at 0°F and this morning it would be close to 60 by the time I got downtown.

It had either rained overnight, or the dew point was well above the actual temperature for a good while. The roads were dripping with briny, abrasive sludge -- a mixture of road salt, sand, dirt and water. When I parked my bike this morning, I could see the coagulated slurry accumulated by my brake pads as it oozed down and onto the seat stays. The Twelve will need a good once-over when I get home.

I can't believe I'm riding in shorts at the end of December. This is still blowing my mind. I do think that I caught a little sinus/throat bug over the holiday, though. I'm nursing it with hot mint tea. Hopefully the 96 remaining miles I have to ride to make my goal doesn't irritate whatever is lurking in my system.

If you're in or around Kansas City today, do yourself a favor: get out and enjoy this weather while it lasts.

Random Tunage:
Barenaked Ladies - One Week
Daft Punk - Technologic


  1. The weather here still boggles my mind -- I had the day off and took advantage of the nice weather with a leisurely spin around suburbia. 67 degrees right before sundown, and we might even hear thunder tonight... Last weekend of December??? If you'da blindfolded me an drove me around town in a van for 10 hours, I'd swear I was somewhere south of here.

  2. That is some crazy heat wave -- and it's headed our way. I doubt it'll get that warm here, but they're saying it should be in the 50s at least in a couple of days. Madness.

  3. It was in the 50s here in Denver, yesterday, and apparently in the 40s today. I was snowboarding in Breckinridge, though, and the high there was 22.
