Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chilly ride, crane on Turkey Creek

It was closing in on freezing on my way home. This is probably the coldest full ride I've had this season. It felt good. The clothes I used on my way to the bus were perfect for the ride home.

This is the bridge between Turkey Creek Trail and Merriam Marketplace.

I saw this crane searching for fish a little while later. Moments after I took this, it caught one.


  1. I'm digging all the HDR stuff you're doing. I've made a few attempts, but it may be time to try again!

  2. I think that bird is actually a Great Blue Heron.

  3. It looks like it is. My parents just always called them Cranes when I was growing up.

    I knew there was a reason I went into information security and not zoology. :P

  4. The top shot is really good. That shaft of sunlight makes it.
