Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weekend so far

Yesterday: Rode to the DMV. Short line, I was #350. It was a little more than 19 miles round trip, but I didn't take the shortest route. It was chilly and misty.

Today, I rode to Daily Dose for the KC PHP User's Group. More than 14 miles round trip, and a somewhat enjoyable ride. Quite a bit of traffic, but beautiful weather.

Just messing around.

Nice day for a game of Golf, apparently.

I was trying to snap the epic hill in the background, but autofocus chose my dashboard instead.

Welcome to old-town Lenexa, KS. I just live around the bend from here.


  1. The Lenexa shots are making me yearn for the Lenexa Midnight Bike Ride...

  2. It seems so far away, doesn't it?

  3. Rode your bike to the DMV? Perfect. #350? Only time to read a short novel I guess.

  4. I didn't mention it back then, but the first day I used my new bike for commuting, I rode to the DMV as well. That picture is my bike leaning on a bike locker at the DMV. The catch? That was May 2nd and my tags expired April 30 so it would have actually been illegal to drive there last year. And yes, I did spend $1000+ on a bicycle and goodies when I still had vehicle taxes to pay. I Wonder where my transportation priorities were?

  5. small towns are cool to ride thru,your like waiting on Andy & Barney walking to Floyds barber shop! of the sleepy little town of Mayberry..Nice pictures

  6. It looks like most of us are beginning to rack up the miles. Moderate temps and sun can do that to a person.

    As usual the photos are fun. Ever notice how everwhere kind of resembles where you come from?
