Saturday, April 05, 2008

Left work early

My wife wasn't feeling well yesterday, and there was an appointment (not medical) she needed me to go to in her place, so I had to bail from work early. On my way home, I had to stop by the Leawood Library. At least they had a bike rack.

I also swung by Barnes & Noble at Town Center Plaza, an upscale shopping center known for their intentional lack of bicycle parking, not that it's Barnes and Noble's fault. The property management company won't let them install bike racks. They're unsightly and would give punk BMX kids someplace to park. Oh, the horror.

I took a mix of Indian Creek Trail and various roadways to get home from Leawood. I opted for this separated sidepath over I-435 adjacent to Roe, as the road was pretty narrow and Friday's notorious early rush hour was in full force.


  1. Started reading with I left work early and expected epic three hour ride report. Well the weekend is but an oyster.

  2. Well, given my current ratio of 12% purely recreation miles (compared to about 88% commuting and errands) you should know better than that by now. :P

    Oddly enough, I really don't ride much on the weekends. I wish it weren't the case, but I have a lot of other stuff going on.

  3. I absolutely love the picture of the pedestrian bridge. Very nicely done.

  4. An ad for Mazada on a site about alternative transportation?

  5. Doug, I let Google pick my ads via FeedBurner. Usually it's something bicycle related. Sometimes it's not.
