Thursday, August 02, 2007

Trek has been discharged from the sick bay

I went and got my Trek's wheel last night. Since I made supper for the wife and I (we eat late), I had completely forgotten to put my road bike back together. I didn't get around to re-assembling it until well after 11:00, and didn't finish until close to midnight. Not only did I need to put the wheel back on my Trek, but I also stole the headlight, blinkie, and panniers off of it. It took about 10 minutes to get all that stuff switched over, but that was added to my already obsessive-compulsive half-hour nightly routine. I'll outline that in another post sometime soon along with my weekend preventative maintenance ritual. To top it off, I still hadn't taken my shower yet.

Anyhow, I got to bed later than I wanted to, and got less sleep than I wish I'd have gotten. All of this stuff combined means I didn't really recover as well as I should have. My legs weren't hurting, but my RHR was up a tiny bit again today. Since this is my first week measuring my heart rate in the morning, I am not terribly concerned with making adjustments just yet. I need to see what a "normal" week looks like. I didn't take a recovery day, but I did take it easy.

I got out the door about 5 minutes later than usual, and I didn't push it. It was another pleasant and smooth ride in, and I'm really thankful to have my road bike back.

Random Tunage:
Madonna - Frozen
Underworld - Cowgirl

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