Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Zealous, not stupid.

I still have a cough. Yesterday didn't seem to make it any worse, but it didn't make it any better, either. I woke up in time to leave at 5:00 again, but a quick check of the radar revealed a storm brewing not too far off... close enough to sneak up on me while en route to the office. Averaging 16 MPH going northeast, I could never win a race against a storm moving due east at 35 MPH.

I decided to lay back down a bit and see what it looked like when I woke up. When I woke up, there was a deluge coming from the sky. I know my limits. I drove to the bus stop. There would be nothing to gain from riding my bike in this stuff. Once again, my C/D Ratio falls below 3.0, but tomorrow's ride should bring it back up.


  1. I'm right there with you. No reason to be a martyr...

  2. I should mention that the bus was absolutely freezing this morning. I was dry and with my rain coat/windbreaker zipped up, I was in extreme discomfort. The kind that makes you rock back and forth, praying for the relentless chill to stop.

    Had I ridden my bicycle to the bus, I would probably be in the ER with hypothermia right now, and I'm not just saying that.
