Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nice morning - and coffee!

I took the rare opportunity of being at JCCC in the morning to get one of Sandy's world-famous Quad-shot venti mochas. The ride in was really, really nice, although I only saw two dog-walkers and one cyclist on the whole length of the trail I rode (about 4 miles worth)

I'm waiting for my co-worker to show up (in a Prius, I laugh) to car pool to the data center. Gotta keep it short. Tonight should be in the high 60's. Mother nature can keep dishing this stuff out; I can take it. ;)


  1. The trail was nice this morning. I only encountered one rider on a BSO (Bike Shaped Object) and two pedestrians.

    FYI - I've posted the results of the bike parking poll on CBB. Hope it helps.

  2. It dropped back down into the 50s in the San Francisco Bay Area this morning. Brrrr! I had to bundle up in my winter riding gear again!

    :-) (Eat yer heart out, you midwesterners!)
