Sunday, April 22, 2007

Church, Wind, and Weight Loss

I decided to ride to church again this morning. Before doing this, I did my typical reality check by checking the radar and forecast.

A quick note. When NOAA says "wind advisory", they mean "if you're riding a bike, you're about to hate life." I rarely drop into my granny ring, but today I was truly thankful for having a triple crank. Of course, there was the return trip, which rocked. I actually hit my new lard speed record of 44.0 MPH with the help of a 20 MPH tail-wind downhill.

Finally, I weighed in again today. I don't pay a lot of attention to the scale, and often go weeks without setting foot on it. 16 days ago, I was at 211 pounds. Today, I'm at 207, the lightest I've been in probably 3 years. It's slow going, but I'm going in the right direction.


  1. Dude, if you aren't careful I'll outweigh you soon. I think when that happens, you might consider it a goal point of your efforts. I was at about 195 several weeks ago.

  2. You've also got about 8 inches of height on me. If we went by BMI or body fat percentage, I'd still have quite a bit of catching up to do once I get down to 195.

  3. KUDOS Noah!

    Keep up the good work.

  4. Like the witch of the west, your melting.
