Saturday, February 03, 2007

My daily cycling log

I made some enhancements to my daily cycling log. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the whole year, as there seems to be a problem with Google Spreadsheets only allowing 23 columns and 103 rows. If they don't sort that out in the next 2 months, I'll be forced to start a new log for April. Not that big of a deal, I suppose.

I put on about 139 miles in January. I do not have a cycling computer, but between Veloroutes and my GPS, I am pretty sure I'm within 5% accurate.

Features I added:

  • Commute to Drive ratio: Number of days I rode my bike to work divided by number of times I drove (either driving to the bus stop or all the way in, I make no distinction). My goal to push this number above 2.2 by the end of February, and 2.8 by the end of March. I'm at 1.875 right now, which is a lot lower than I want it to be. I won't be satisfied until I hit 3.0. I can actually pull that off by the end of February if I bike commute every weekday for the rest of the month. I don't know that I'm up to the task, though. I'm almost always completely exhausted by Friday.

  • Total Drives: Counts the number of times I drove. Technically, counts times I drove TO work, plus times I drove FROM work, divided by two (this is also how I calculate number of bike commutes). If for some reason, I bike only one way, then it would show "half" a bike commute.

  • Daily bicycle mileage totals: Counts up all commuting, recreational and errand miles for that day. Shows blank on days that I did not use my bike.

  • Month-end mileage total: Counts up all daily totals from month-to-month. With any luck, this number should get bigger and bigger every month through spring and summer!

    1. Cool. I'm going to steal the C/D idea for my Google spreadsheet. One thought -- I do a new sheet for each month in the same doc. Just a thought. Personally, I'm still waiting for graphs...

    2. How do you reference cells on another sheet, or do you just manually type in your cumulative data? I'm "okay" with spreadsheets, but I'm not a crazy pivot-table-crazed insane Excel guru. I spreadsheet almost everything, though. I even logged my miles, individual deliveries, tips, and stats when I was delivering pizza. Having a PDA with spreadsheet capability rocked!

      I'm waiting for graphs, cell labels, and a few other things, too. I'd take a worksheet larer than 23x103 first.

    3. I suppose your blinking the whole time too. [[[[[grrrrr]]]]]. Quit blinking. ax0n *>)

    4. Haha... someone visits BF...
