Thursday, February 22, 2007

Got in a little early

Photo: Nothing special, just my bike in the rack this morning right after pulling in. I take the front wheel in with me, so no comments about how the front wheel isn't locked!

I took my shower last night, and woke up a little before 6:00 this morning. I was on the road by 6:10. Climbing hills SUCKS when you haven't had enough sleep and you skip breakfast. I find myself spinning and huffing to get up the hill on Ridgeview some mornings, and then there's the viaduct. Usually they're not too bad, but this week I haven't slept well and they just seem to bring me to a crawl.

I got to work at 7:00 sharp without stopping for anything sweet before work. I brought two small cans of pineapple slices with me for lunch (and some soup) but I think one of those cans is going to be my breakfast here in the office.

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