Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Finally, an extended break in the weather.

It was a seemingly balmy 35 degrees this morning upon my departure. Although it was near freezing, it felt like spring. The Outlook was such a welcome change of pace this morning. I adjusted it a bit right before last night's group ride, and finished tweaking it when I got home. The group ride was a perfect shakedown run to get my butt used to the narrower, firmer saddle. The saddle angle and brakes needed a little adjustment, and this morning's ride was smooth sailing. The only thing I can't figure out is that I'm having trouble shifting into the granny ring. I'm hoping it's something I can fix with the limit screws, but it doesn't look like it.

The extended forecast looks pretty much clear until the weekend. It's a shame that I didn't work yesterday, because this would have been a perfect five-day commute week. I put just as many miles on yesterday as I usually put in on a Monday, though. It doesn't count as a commute, but at least my weekly miles won't suffer.