Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Toys

I had gift cards to my favorite bike shop and MicroCenter burning a hole in my pocket tonight. I finally picked up a good floor pump (Park Tool PFP-3), a portable tire pressure gauge (for bikes, 120PSI max, most car gauges only go to 50 or so), and a good sport backpack that's meant to carry a laptop. Now I don't need to worry about where to put my new MacBook when I am commuting to work. The old messenger-style laptop bag wasn't cutting it.

My knobbies say they can take 65 PSI. I usually run them at about 40 but they were even lower than that when I checked them with my gauge. I pumped them up to 60. We'll see if they feel any "faster" tomorrow on my way to work.

Bonus picture. I tried to zoom down Broadway again today to catch the earliest bus. I failed by mere seconds, so i had to wait about 20 minutes for the next bus to come along and I snapped this picture. Southwest Blvd is usually packed between 4pm and 6pm, but Kansas City was a relative ghost town today. I'm betting a lot of people are burning vacation time this week so they can get an extra long break.

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